Principal aims
LabStUTeP is founded and directed since 1999 by Francesca Moraci that promoted APRE for the University ('99 -'09). The scientific areas of interest is outlined in national and international research (PRIN, PON-POR, PRITT, VII FP, international competitions, conventions). The Laboratory plays a role of "node" within the international research network by collaborating with other institutions: MAE, MiBac, MaTM, MIT, local authorities, universities, as well as providing technical assistance, participating in and promoting Territorial Tables Technical Workshops on “Strait Area” (QVQC). The research results start comparison methods with the processes of transformation of the city and the territory and take the form of new methods / strategies and innovative procedures. The laboratory has contributed to the drafting of directives, regulations, national guidelines, innovative methods for urban welfare, ONU Contributions, strategic documents for urban policies and strategies found racing.
In recent years the Lab_ Stutep focused the research interest, providing national and international contributions with the participation to organisms, comparison tables and scientific relevance of significant events on the following topics:
- new territorial and urban organizations, in view of the metropolitan city construction and the implementation of the Strait node (QVQC);
- experimentation interregional governance, management capacity, relazionabilità of intermodal infrastructure measures in the context of the South and of the Euro-Mediterranean area;
- shared scenarios and new strategies for the improvement of maritime systems, road and rail Strait Area (Tables Technical Workshops with MIT);
- changes and urban climate resilience; the city / risks; tangible and intangible infrastructure (energy, digital, industry 4.0) and smart cities;
- politics and EU programming;
- planning land, urban planning, P/P;
- environmental valutation, EIA, SEA, Feasibility Studies.
Research activities
The main researches are reflected in a series of activities that have produced transferable results and already the subject of experimentation: the new context of urban governance, welfare for the safe and inclusive cities (Prin urban Welfare, MABF; Prin Plan services; Security-Safety: plan of action; UN resolution on the crisis of the city); innovative actions for sustainability, the environment and the landscape, and their evaluation and management (Integrated Plan for the redevelopment of rivers Minamb, Pritt, Coastal Cities and environmental damage); the preparation of regional and national regulations (Creating regulations designed ABR-Calabria; Guidelines of landscape POAT MIBAC-PON2007-2013; Guidelines masterplan Huangpu); studies on the development of instruments and administrative practices over between acts of planning and programming (the implementation of the SGP. 19 / '02, the enhancement of public real estate) and territorial promotion (The AgoràTelematica, finalist idea ItaliaCamp 2012); actions for an efficient transport system for the Mediterranean (PUT Polistena, PON infrastructure; VII PQ "energy"; technician with MIT Table); the formalization of the smart city / smart planning; the activities of technical assistance agencies, UP '06 -'11, Communication Plan for RC, AQ for UrbanLab of Messina, participation in the World Trade Center in Gioia Tauro, studies for the VAS and the PSC of Acri (CS), Conventions Anas-MIT Infrastructure.
International relationships
Strengthening of transfer of innovation networks: UNISCAPE; SEREN; SEC08; SERIT; Fnau; ESPON, CIUDAD, UNHABITAT. Research projects PON Smart City-Heritage-99 Ideas, Urbact II. Temaditutela PON participation. Consultation with the OPEN on the DG SEC. UN resolution. Research with APUR (Atelier Parisien d'Urbanisme) and Post-Doc with the Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) and Delft University of Technology; "South Mediterranean Platform" for the preparation of a program of urban quality in Guangdong Province (China); fac. Architectural-Maestra Guangzhou. Participation in international conferences (China, Egypt, Jordan, Spain, Holland, France ...).
Smart Specialisation Strategy Calabria (S3 Calabria)
Turismo e Cultura / Tourism and Culture
Ambiente e rischi naturali / Environment and natural risks
Francesca Moraci |
what speed-what city
urban nodes and TEN-T
Agreement between FS- Urban Systems, Anas and other research organizations and Institutional (MIT; Confindustria, INU, AU University, Darte ..) with QVQC- what speed which city |
Francesca Moraci |
action Plan
strategic plan
Regional Action Plan of the province of Reggio Calabria international cooperation program Interreg IVC "NOSTRA" - networks of Strait- within the ESI-Straits of Europe network for the 'activation of good governance measures of the Strait Area, 2014. |
Francesca Moraci |
Strait of Messina
Feasibility studies
TECHNICAL TABLE established at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transposed for drafting the "Feasibility study for the improvement of maritime systems, road and rail in the area of the Messina Strait", in 2014. |
Francesca Moraci |
Adaptative city- green economy, sharing economy |
Local Support Group at level partner for the city of Messina in the project Urbact II "Sustainable Food in Urban Communities Phase II".
Francesca Moraci |
Sustainable Urban Mobility |
INTERREG IVC.Local Support Group at level partner for the City of Messina, the ME of the City project, SUM partners "Sustainable Urban Mobility" |
Francesca Moraci |
innovative laboratory
participation and construction of the Straits City
UrbanLab (Urban Centers) of the city of Messina and area metropolitana- and activation of the Thematic Urban Laboratory "Innovative Integrated Actions" (MIT).
Francesca Moraci |
Urban planning, urban design |
Technical support for the preparation of the PSC of the town of ACRI (CS). Determines assignment n. 4/3 of March 7, 2013. |
Francesca Moraci |
sustainability assessment |
Technical support for the preparation of the VAS of the common PSC ACRI (CS). Determines assignment n. 4/3 of March 7, 2013. |
Francesca Moraci |
World Trade Center
Feasibility studies
Scientific responsible for Urban Planning and Environmental profiles as part of the Scientific Committee of the Feasibility Study Of The World Trade Center in Gioia Tauro (Calabria-Region Convention Dip. ArTe). |
Francesca Moraci |
Partecipation, comunication |
Technical and scientific assistance to the office of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria Town Planning for the communication activities of the formation process of the Municipal Structural Plan of Reggio Calabria, 2010. |
Francesca Moraci |
urban marketing
innovative public administration
Technical and scientific assistance to the office of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria Town Planning for participation activities to Urbanpromo, 2009 |
Francesca Moraci |
urban marketing
innovative public administration
Technical and scientific assistance to the office of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria Town Planning for participation activities to Urbanpromo, 2008 |
Francesca Moraci |
landscape planning
POAT MIBAC (2007-2013 PON) within the project "The landscape planning: institutional collaboration" drawn up by the Directorate General for Landscape, Fine Arts, Architecture and Contemporary Art (DG PaBAAC) dell ' action A. service has been entrusted to the Department PAU Univ. Mediterranea and concerns: action A. scientific and technical services for the construction of a research and study aimed at the development of "Guidelines" for a proper assessment of specific territorial areas landscapes (coastal areas and mountain ranges) regions of Campania, Puglia and Calabria, 2010-2011. |
Francesca Moraci |
hydrogeological risks,
historical towns
ATS DSAT-OASIS-MECMAT-DIMET, scientific coordinator of the service responsible entrusted following a public evidence by the Authority of Regional Basin Department for LL PP of the Calabria region within POR Calabria 2000-2006, natural -Resources Axis 1, Measure 1.4 - settlement systems, service of "Study and experimentation of methodologies and techniques for the mitigation of hydrogeological" 13-Creating designed regulations and design guidelines that put in relation the intervention of defense with the preservation and enhancement of the landscape, 2009. |
Francesca Moraci |
Government and administration,
efficiency of city administration
ATS among the departments of the University Mediterranea: DSAT; AACM; OASI and IDEA COIM service companies and DEDALO, for the project LURC- refresher course for employees of the Public Administration "Urban Planning and Territorial Governance in Calabria" in implementation of the POR Calabria 2000/2006, Axis III - Resources OB human. 1 ESF, Measure 3.10 "Adjustment of the P.A. skills", 2008. |
Francesca Moraci |
Mobility,infrastructure and traffic |
Agreement between the Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences and the Municipality of Polistena (RC) for the preparation of the Urban Traffic Plan, 2007 |