Principal aims
The labaratory Landscape In_Progress is a design and a scientific research structure of the dArTe Department, conceived as a multidisciplinary space interconnecting architecture, city and landscape.
The field of research is the "landscapes next to come", that are those realities exposed on strong mutations, often influenced by a great events as the natural ones (earthquakes, floods, etc.) that change their existing connotations.
Diverse activities –researches, conferences, exhibitions, workshops, projects- have been developed as an opportunities of innovative experimental methodology of knowledge, interpretation and transformation of places through involvement and interaction of different languages and figures, such as architects, landscape designers, agronomists, photographers, artists, sociologists etc.
A particular focus is given to Calabria and its necessity to find internal and mobile observation points capable of capturing and listing values and images of a complex and heterogeneous reality.
List of some realized researches:
Tourism as art of places; The Metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria; The port area of Gioia Tauro and the infrastructural system; Project for the periphery and the existing building; Water landscapes; Confiscated goods in Calabria.
The Laboratory collaborates with Public Authorities and Nonprofit Associations, carrying out scientific research activities, providing an integrated and innovative approach to the study of the city and the landscape.
International relationships
SPAGNA: Università di Valladolid
SPAGNA: Universidad de Sevilla
EMIRATI ARABI UNITI: Università di Abu Dhabi
POLONIA: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
CINA: Chongqing University
Horizon 2020 topics
Balanced Regional Development; Territorial Accessibility; Dissemination of innovative technologies and know-how; Strengthening cooperation between economic development stakeholders and public authorities.
Smart Specialisation Strategy Calabria (S3 Calabria)
Ambiente e rischi naturali / Environment and natural risks
Turismo e Cultura / Tourism and Culture
Bioedilizia / Green Building